Thursday, August 16, 2007

08/15 - Good people on Jekyll

Date August 15, 2007
Section(s) Letters

Which heyday are you speaking of reaching?

I have read with great interest the recent letters and editorials concerning the fate of Jekyll Island.

My family resides in Alabama and we have vacationed on Jekyll for a number of years.

We are an "average" family much like those that Jekyll is presently mandated to be affordable to.

Rep. Steven Davis' latest comments beg the question, which heyday would he like to return Jekyll to? Is it the one over 100 years ago when Jekyll was an exclusive club?

It would seem to be that when you look at the proposals for new developement.

Some of the comments made in support of expensive hotels and condos seem to insinuate that the state of Georgia is somehow discriminating against "above average families" by Jekyll not having more expensive lodging.

Replacing affordable lodging with more expensive rooms only serves to exclude, not include, families.

There are fancy hotels and condo developements all along the Georgia coast,

I would hope that the JIA and Georgia's governing officials realize that presently they have a resource that everyone can use and enjoy regardless of income and will work to keep it that way so that visitors to your fine state will always have a reason to return.

Paul Patterson
Gurley, Alabama

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