Sunday, December 16, 2007

12/14 - Attack on senator unfair

Date: December 14, 2007
Section(s): Letters

As I read the attack that Terry Carter wrote about Jeff Chapman, I wondered if Mr. Carter has been absent from Georgia and unable to receive headlines from home.

Mr. Carter claims that Jeff Chapman does not care about Jekyll Island. Here are some recent things that my senator has done on behalf of Jekyll Island.

* Mr. Chapman wrote HB214 that protects Jekyll's south end and it passed unanimously. Not bad for someone Mr. Carter claims doesn't work well with others!

* Chapman's letter to state Attorney General re: the legality of the JIA board plans for redevelopment.

* Chapman's attendance at JIA board meetings to question the board's wisdom on their plans for revitalization.

I am proud to have Jeff Chapman as my senator. He is one of the few in government who seems to remember that Jekyll Island is a state park.

Laura Renke

Chapman refuses to be a pawn to his 'peers'

In regard to the critique of Senator Chapman by Terry Carter, there may be at least one excellent reason why he is not a favorite of his peers.

Many of his legislative "peers" in state government apparently want resort-style mega-development on Jekyll Island State Park.

Jeff Chapman is endeavoring to follow the will of the common folk of Georgia (Republican and Democrat), who do not want resort-style mega-development of Jekyll Island. In such circumstances, conflict with one's peers is not only inevitable, it is highly desirable.

He refuses to be a pawn in the grand scheme of state leadership to hand over Jekyll Island State Park to politically connected private developers. I, for one, think that is a very good thing.

Joan Lardin

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