Sunday, December 16, 2007

12/15 - Jekyll Island: Responses to "Jekyll Island development," Issue: Dec. 10 > Opinion
Saturday Talk
By Peggy Cozart, Martin McConaughy, Elizabeth Walton, Pat Royalty, Christine Martens, Cindy Tarrant, Lee Sweetapple, Al Michaud, James Cool, Barbara Szydlowski
For the Journal-Constitution
Published on: 12/15/07

Jekyll Island: Responses to "Jekyll Island development," @issue, Dec. 10

State park should be placid

My family has visited Jekyll Island since the early '80s, drawn to the natural beauty, slow pace and lack of man-made "attractions." We fill our days biking, enjoying the beaches and historic sites.

Many folks lament, "there's nothing out there," when they drive past pristine countryside and feel cheated by the lack of billboards and fast-food establishments. Jekyll Island isn't for them.

Why one would expect or want to find regular distractions of modern life in a state park baffles those of us who seek relief from our fast-paced routines. Perhaps, like city kids sent off to summer camp, the uninitiated might be pleasantly surprised to find they have a recessive gene for enjoying having too little to do.


More honesty, legality necessary

In this time when Georgia's leadership has a bias towards Lexus lanes and not trains, and fights the garden clubs to protect the big billboard industry, it is not surprising that they are preparing to allow the creation of an elite club on one of our most prized possessions, Jekyll Island. I'd like to commend state Sen. Jeff Chapman (R-Brunswick) for his letter to the legislative oversight committee pursuing legality and honesty in the revitalization of Jekyll. It is my hope that we will take the time to work together and create a vibrant and enduring environment for all the people of Georgia.



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