Friday, January 4, 2008

12/25 - Jekyll no longer would be worth trip > Opinion
READERS WRITE: By Susan L. Dehoff
For the Journal-Constitution
Published on: 12/25/07

Jekyll no longer would be worth trip

I appreciate Jim Langford's land developer's eye view of Jekyll Island ("More vacationers could enjoy park," @issue, Dec. 10). As a Georgia educator in the 1970s and '80s, I saw it differently. It was an affordable place to introduce my niece to the beach in a natural setting. I now live in Massachusetts and spend three days each August driving to Jekyll, along with a friend. Neither of us relishes the three-day drive; both of us forget that inconvenience when we see the ocean from Beachview Drive.

Last summer my niece, her husband and step-son rented a house on Jekyll the same week I did. They see Jekyll as an affordable place to introduce another generation to the beach in a natural setting. We return to Jekyll each year because it is a piece of Paradise. Thank you for your input, Mr. Langford, but the large development you propose on Beachview Drive would end our trips to Jekyll.

SUSAN L. DeHOFF, Shrewsbury, Mass.

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