Monday, February 25, 2008

02/01 - How does one become a board member of the Jekyll Island Authority, and how does one become chairman of this board?


Q: How does one become a board member of the Jekyll Island Authority, and how does one become chairman of this board?


A: The authority's board has nine members; one is either the head of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources or someone designated by him. The other eight are selected by the governor and serve four-year terms. Two of the eight must be residents of Chatham, Bryan, Liberty, McIntosh, Glynn or Camden counties. Jekyll is part of Glynn County.

The chairman can chair two consecutive one-year terms or two terms in four years. The current chair is Ben Porter of Macon. Board members don't get paid for their service but can be reimbursed for expenses.

Staff researchers Sharon Gaus and Richard Hallman wrote this column.

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