Monday, February 25, 2008

02/14 - Jekyll should not be another Myrtle Beach

The Brunswick News
Date: February 14, 2008
Section(s): Letters

Your headline of Feb. 7, "Legislation could hurt Jekyll," should have read "Legislation would save Jekyll." No one is saying that the island is not in need of some updating.

What the people of Georgia have been saying is don't turn the island into Florida or another Myrtle Beach.

The Initiative to Protect Jekyll Island's polls clearly state this fact.

What ever happened to the poll on this issue that the JIA handed out at the tollbooth at the entrance of the Island several years ago? I was a vacationer then and filled one out. I never heard the results.

It is very clear that Jekyll Island is a state park that the JIA and the governor want to run regardless of what the people of Georgia want. To heck with the average Georgian.

Laura Renke

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